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My flux capacitor is not working on my aircraft. Can we still conduct the practical test?


Has the inoperative flux capacitor be handled I.A.W. 14 CFR 91.213?

If yes, then your aircraft is still airworthy and we can conduct the test.

If no, then your aircraft is not airworthy and we cannot conduct the test.


Is the flux capacitor required to conduct any maneuver for the practical test I.A.W. the ACS / PTS?

If no, then we can conduct the test.

If yes, then no we cannot.


Jeremy, the weather is not looking to good on the day of my practical test, what do you think?

No comment

It's not that I don't want to help; but the weather decision is up to the Pilot in Command and their personal minimums, comfort level for performing the required maneuvers and ensuring that the flight is conducted I.A.W. the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations. Plus, it is a great way to evaluate Aeronautical Decision Making. If a Letter of Discontinuance is issued due to the applicant's poor weather decision on the day of the practical test additional fees will apply to complete the test.


I have an Instrument practical test scheduled and the weather is not looking very good that day. Can we conduct the practical test in IMC conditions?


You are the Pilot in Command, if you do not have instrument privileges then you cannot legally file an IFR flight plan and fly IMC.


My aircraft does not have an attitude indicator or a radio can we conduct my Private Pilot practical test in it?


Your aircraft must have the capability for you to perform all the maneuvers required by the ACS / PTS.


Will you travel to my location to conduct my practical test?


Depending on the location. Additional fees may apply.


Can my flight instructor sit in on the practical test?


No one may sit in on the practical test except an FAA representative that has a reason to do so. They have the right to show up to any practical test without notifying either us. This would normally be to evaluate me conducting my duties. I can assure it will make no difference on how I conduct the test. 


Can I look up any answers during the ground portion of the practical test?


There is a limit though and you should not have to look up many answers. Also, you should have a general idea as to where to look. There is a time limit in finding an answer. 

The answers you look up should only be things that are not required to be known during aircraft operation.


Can I use my I-Pad with ForeFlight during the practical test?


I want you to perform during the practical test the way you would actually perform during any flight. If you would normally use an electronic flight bag, then by all means do so. Just be sure your data is current and have a plan if your electronic flight bag fails or looses GPS signal. That seems to happen a lot around me.


Can I use ForeFlight for my weight and balance?


Just be sure that the data used to make the weight and balance is for the aircraft you are actually flying that day. Also, know were the information comes from and how to make changes if necessary.


If I am issued a Notice of Disapproval do I still have to pay for the practical test?


As an examiner I blocked out my day and did a large amount of work to prepare and there is still more paperwork after a Notice of Disapproval is issued. Be sure you discuss this with your flight instructor. They recommended you for the practical test and they  endorsed your logbook certifying that you are prepared for the practical test. It might be a good idea for your flight instructor to agree to pay for any retest.


I am scheduling two practical test in one day can we accomplish them both with one ground portion and one flight?


IACRA is the limiting factor here. if IACRA requires two applications then we must conduct two separate practical test.


If I do two practical test in one day to I have to pay one fee or two?


Double the work is being done on my part and it is no different then if I had two applicants in one day.




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              North Little Rock

         Municipal Airport  KORK 

8200 Remount Rd, North Little Rock, AR 72118


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